Sunday, October 21, 2007

My Euoropean Tour

I just spent a very fascinating evening visiting my neighbours. They are an older couple who have never used a computer. I brought my laptop over and showed them some of the neat things that are on the web, but the hits of the evening were Google Earth and email. I got my neighbour to email my partner, who is out of town. She was impressed by the speed and simplicity of emailing someone. It is too bad that my partner was not on the computer to respond. That would have been something. They really gave Google Earth a workout. My wireless connection worked flawlessly and everything else worked the the way that it should. They searched through their home village in Europe and found her sister's house. It was overwhelming for my neighbour at that point. She said that she probably would not see her sister again. They relived some of their wartime experiences, good and bad. They searched out the villages of friends and relatives and reminisced. We drank wine and looked up recipes and looked at pictures. The evening was one of those special moments that come once in a very long time. It was great to see things through their eyes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It sounds like a marvelous evening was had by all! Google Earth is absolutely fascinating. For somebody somewhat computer-literate, such as myself, it is an amazing tool. I use it to find an unknown destination, even in my own town. With maps, you get the directions but not the exact location. With Google Earth, it is like you are taking a drive directly to the location. One day, I was driving somebody one place and somebody another place at the same time. I used Google Earth to confirm my suspicions that there must be a short-cut. If I am this intrigued by Google Earth, I can only imagine what people of a much earlier generation must feel when they see how far modern technology has come.
