I am beginning to feel as if I belong here. One of my concerns about returning to university was the large age difference between the other students and me. It was an unfounded concern. Most people, here, are very accepting and encouraging. The students that I talk to are really interested in why I am at university at this stage of my life.
I had some apprehension about attending a large institution. So far, other than the walking around campus, it is easier than I thought that it would be.
I am enjoying the challenges that come from attending university. I have read quite a lot over the years, but now I have to read material at a deeper level and understand it, even if I am not particularly interested in some of the material. When I read before, I would skip over parts that were of less interest to me.
1 comment:
I was wandering through the campus walkways of a local university while going to a rally of sorts. I was people-watching as I walked. I noticed many young people, some walking alone, some holding hands, some talking on cell phones. In fact, all I noticed were young people - in their late teens, early twenties. All of a sudden, standing out in the crowd, I saw this older man with white hair and a white beard, probably in his early 60's. He was carrying what looked like a book bag and a laptop. Without hesitation, I thought...."That must be a professor". I literally stopped and felt somewhat abashed. My own father is attending university and most likely resembles the man I saw on campus. How did I instantly give this man the status of a professor just because he was carrying a laptop and looked older? I know better. There is a strong likelihood that this man is a student, but because of his advanced age, I assumed he was part of the faculty. Is this what "mature students" face on a daily basis? The assumption that they can't be students? What a revelation for me!
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