Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Necessity is the mother of invention, or in my case the inspiration for writing. Or maybe I was just in a writing mood. I wrote three posts yesterday and then went on to write three poems. Two of them are good. I may enter one or both of those in the poetry contest. The third poem was inspired by a comment someone made about a post of mine. I turned Lost and Found into a poem. It is okay, but it needs some work. All of the poems that I wrote last night were more than four lines. One is eight lines only because the first line, and every second line after that, is only one or two words. I did that for effect. I wanted the poem to be hesitant and uncertain because it is about not knowing. I am quite happy with the second one which is about the fall and losses and new beginnings. I would post them here but that would reduce the field of potential publishers. I do intend to submit the first two and some others as soon as I am sure that they are right.

These are only the second, third and fourth poems that I have composed at the computer. It turned out to be easier than it has been for me in the past. I will definitely do more of my poetry writing on the computer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I composed a poem about your losing things as well. Needless to say, it is not publishable. It needs some work. One line made reference to losing a french book, followed by a cheer (it would be a cheer in my books, anyway) then I decided it was juvenile and changed it. Some friends have made comments about my ability to create a silly poem at the drop of a hat. This is a commendable talent, I am sure. Yet I would like to have the time to hone my abilities. Some day, in the future, when life slows down. Maybe then. Although, you are a testament to the fact that life does not necessarily slow down in the years following the exodus of our offspring.