Thursday, December 6, 2007


I am spending most of my time studying. My exams are all next week, with the last one on Saturday. It will be nice to get them over with, but I don't have much study time. I need to concentrate on my stats. The final exam is worth 60% of my final mark. I am spending most of my time alone here at home so I won't have any interesting stories about happenings at school. Dull and boring are going to be my two middle names for the next ten days or so.


Kathy said...

Best of luck on your exams. Let us know how things go!

Sending out the good vibes ~~~~~
Kathy at The Junk Drawer

rob said...

Kathy -- Thanks for the good vibes. We could all use more good vibes. Things are going well. One exam down and two more to go.