Monday, January 14, 2008

My Trip North

I returned, late last night, from a trip north to visit family. The house where I stayed is on a quiet country road beside a lake. We saw four deer eating beside the road. Some of the residents have seen as many as forty deer together. That is something that few of us have ever had the privilege of seeing. On my drive home, I saw three more deer grazing along the highway. They were used to the traffic and hardly looked up as the vehicles sped by.

I spent more than 12 hours driving over the weekend so I was glad to get back home. I drove through several villages along the way. The lights of the houses, peeking out through the falling snow, looked inviting as I drove past. Each beacon of light promising warmth and shelter from the cold and darkness. Each village that I drove through brought me closer to my own home and back into the surrounding countryside. Farmhouses and their beacons of light kept me company until the city lights overpowered their faint glow.

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